The International Youth Forum 2017 on Human Rights and UN Sustainable Development Goals 2017 (IYFNepal2017) from May 26th to 27th, 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The two-day conference will gather youths from different countries together to share, encourage and inspire global peace and tolerance.

Lindsay Day
Diam diam, auctor in nec ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus enim nullam ac. mauris quis neque malesuada pellentesque. Mauris porta mauris sit amet sapien bibendum posuere. Fusce eu laoreet urna.
Kylie Jefferson
Diam diam, auctor in nec ornare quis, laoreet a diam morbi feugiat hendrerit tortor, nec dapibus enim nullam ac.
Alisha Williams
Sed sed odio pretium, eleifend nunc a, pretium purus. Aliquam id tortor dapibus, posuere ligula ut, ultrices nunc class aptent taciti.