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4th International Youth Forum


SDGs & Human Rights

The International Youth Forum (IYF) serves as a platform for young people to voice their concerns and ideas to Member States, playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of global development.
The International Youth Forum (IYF) serves as a platform for young people to voice their concerns and ideas to Member States, playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of global development.

The International Youth Forum 4.0, main themed “Partnering with the Youth to achieve SDG: Moving from policy to action” focusing on Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future: Advancing the SDGs and Upholding Human Rights, is dedicated to bringing together young leaders, activists, policymakers, and experts from across the globe to engage in meaningful dialogue and action on critical global issues. In an era where international cooperation is both essential and challenging due to mistrust and outdated systems, this forum stands as a vital platform to rebuild trust and showcase that effective collaboration can address today’s most pressing challenges and help shape a better future.

The annual IYF convenes young minds worldwide, representing a diverse range of organizations committed to human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Over the course of two transformative days, participants will engage in impactful speeches, interactive workshops, and extensive networking opportunities. Throughout the Forum, delegates will be mentored by influential global leaders, including ministers, UN officials, and renowned advocates for human rights.

Upon completing the forum, delegates will be recognized as IYF Ambassadors, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to drive positive change within their communities and workplaces. Since its inception in 2017, IYF initiatives have played a significant role in advancing global efforts to achieve the SDGs and protect human rights.


The IYF brings together young leaders from around the world to deliver a better present, safeguard the future, and uphold human rights.

October 22-23, 2024
Bangkok, Thailand





The International Youth Forum (IYF) will officially begin at 9:00 AM ICT on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, and will conclude after a gala dinner and closing ceremony at approximately 9:00 PM ICT on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

What does the agenda look like? The 2024 agenda will include:

  • Human Rights Education: Understanding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its relevance today.
  • SDG Integration: Exploring how human rights are integral to achieving the SDGs.
  • Youth Leadership: Empowering young people to take leadership roles in their communities.
  • Innovative Solutions: Showcasing innovative approaches to addressing human rights issues and achieving the SDGs.
  • Global Partnerships: Building partnerships between youth organizations, NGOs, and international bodies.
  • Summit of the Future Outcomes: Discussing the outcomes of the UN Summit of the Future and their implications for youth advocacy and global cooperation.

The draft agenda can be viewed here. Please note, details are subject to change.



Sustainable development and Human RightsYouth's role in driving sustainable development and safeguarding human rights globally.International Peace and SecurityYouth's role in fostering international peace, security, and global stability.Education and Digital cooperationYouth's role in advancing education, technology, innovation, and global digital cooperation.Transforming global governanceYouth's role in transforming global governance for a more inclusive future.

What people say about

IYF engagement and Youth partnership is always the essential step toward accomplishing sustainable development goals. With this objective this year international youth day celebration was with the slogan ‘Safe Spaces for Youth’.

Phoolam Chaudhary

UN Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues- UNPFII

IYF gives Hope to all Young peoples and also Substantive equality, fair distribution of opportunities and resource for development are main part of equality.IYF has provided common ground to collaborate and raise the voice. So let’s be together for the goal.

Bandana Rana


Thanks to the IYF for hosting the event here in Nepal. Large numbers of diverse youth are present in this conference and it is very proud moment as we can see youth are interested in Human right and development.

Prof. Dr. Pam Rajput​

Chair Women 20

Thanks for IYF to organise and for inviting energetic youth from different part of the world and able to grab concrete idea.If we hope for change it can be through the youth that is IYF doing here. IYF has the vision of making world Sustainable

Madhav Prasad Dhungel​

National Youth Council Nepal, Ministry of Youth and Sports

In Collaboration with

Organized by Sustainable Development Council an Organisation with Special Consultative Status with United Nations ECOSOC from the year 2021.

Copyright © International Youth Forum by Sustainable Development Council.